Sunrise Journeys

An immersive Indigenous light show experience.

Take a breath. Connect with Country. Prepare to be awakened by awe-inspiring storytelling at the world’s most spectacular sunrise. Inspired by the artwork of three local Anangu artists, Sunrise Journeys will transport you through past, present and future as projected light and music moves gently across the landscape. Celebrate a story of love, land and hope, all before a delightful breakfast.

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The artwork used as part of the Sunrise Journeys experience is titled Ngura nganampa Wiru mulapa, meaning "our Country is truly beautiful" in the local Pitjantjatjara language. 

Discover the heartfelt meanings and compelling stories behind this beautiful artwork.


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Understand the Story

This stunning artwork is available to view at the Gallery of Central Australia (GoCA). Gain a deeper understanding of the intricate details of this amazing work of art, with the meanings behind the iconography included in this artwork below.


A Delightful Breakfast Experience

While you immerse yourself in this captivating sunrise experience at Uluru, experience a nourishing breakfast of native flavours paired with our signature chai tea.