Wintjiri Wiru Songline

Get Social

We encourage you to get social and share your experience of this beautiful location and views of Uluru and Kata Tjuta at sunset, as well as drinks and dining. As requested by Anangu, we kindly ask that when the drones go up, phones go down, so we have provided a selection of photos below that you can share with your friends and family.







Don't forget to check into Wintjiri Wiru on Instagram and Facebook 📍

Tag @ExploreUluru #WintjiriWiru #ExploreUluru

Share your Experience

Please be aware that Uluru has great spiritual significance to traditional owners and the Wintjiri Wiru drone and laser show cannot be filmed or photographed. Therefore, we have provided a selection of approved images that you can share on your socials. When posting these images, you must include the following information:

Copyright credit: Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia.
Anangu hold the Mala story, from Kaltukatjara to Uluru, through a drone, sound and light show designed and produced by RAMUS.